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Buy Cheap Boogieboard 36 Inch Bodyboard w/Leash - 2011 Model - Various Colors

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This is a great board for the smaller novice rider learning to catch waves and eventually try a few tricks. It comes with a leash to keep it close to you in the surf. Brought to you by the great brand Whamo/Morey.

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You will find real-life experiences and opinions voiced by people about a wide range of Boogieboard 36 Inch Bodyboard w/Leash - 2011 Model - Various Colors. Read reviews of Boogieboard 36 Inch Bodyboard w/Leash - 2011 Model - Various Colors from hundreds of users, plus ratings, advice and prices to help you pick the right products for you.

The latest discount on Boogieboard 36 Inch Bodyboard w/Leash - 2011 Model - Various Colors . The best quality and price on Boogieboard 36 Inch Bodyboard w/Leash - 2011 Model - Various Colors Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Get it now on sale for a cheap deal: Limit Time Offer.

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Technical Details

- Beginner's boogie board for the smaller rider makes catching a wave easy
- Durable fiberclad core can take a beating in the surf and sand
- Basic wrist leash to prevent board from floating away
- For riders up to 100 lbs.; 36Lx18Wx2.25D"
- Various colors - email us for availability or selection
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Buy Boogieboard 36 Inch Bodyboard w/Leash - 2011 Model - Various Colors Now